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Just so you know…

For small items, little picture sets, and the like… things not quite big enough (or possibly not quite ready) to become a full-on story with words and pictures and chorus and dancing girls… We haz a Tumblr.

Back to Work….

I hadn’t planned on learning anything much Saturday. I had thought about another run to the Renaissance Festival, or for a bit it looked as if I might wind up at Wings over Houston. No real budget for that, though. I spent half an hour checking schedules for the Book …

Gone Shopping.

To build a business that will never know completion, but that will progress continually to meet advancing conditions. To evince a knowledge of merchandise that will be authoritative to a notable degree. To create a personality that will be known for its strength and friendliness. To arrange and co-ordinate activities …

A Dickens of a Time…

A week after the Renaissance Festival run ends, the Galveston Historical Foundation holds their festival, Dickens On The Strand, a single-weekend street festival celebrating the city’s Victorian-era history and trade. The appeal is similar to the Renaissance Festival, and I noticed several Renaissance players following their seven weeks of work …

Good Day t’ye, Lords and Ladies….

First up: The Texas Renaissance Festival. I could rattle on at length about this place: One of the earliest Renaissance Festivals in the country, by their account the largest AND one of the biggest, etc., etc. It’s been going on rain or shine (or both sometimes) for nearly 40 years …