Back to Work….
Scattered hither and yon were a cobbler, an apprentice cobbler, a tailor, and Jonathan Failor, supervising a team of laborers tramping clay into a consistency suitable for brickmaking.
(Honest, the laborers were volunteers having fun. No whips involved… though I thought he might need one to get them out of the mud and into their shoes at the end of the shift….)
But then they got to learn to MAKE bricks, which seemed to be an acceptable substitute…
and lay them out on a plank to dry in the sun…
(Now, if this were really 1850-something, they’d be dried slowly and then eventually fired into building materials. That’s not likely to happen to this batch, though.)
Oh… the tailor. Working on a Frock Coat, one tiny stitch at a time. You see here a VERY patient man.