Happy Holidays

And about the time I got back to the gathering, the time machine showed up, powered by a very handsomely matched set of four flux capacitors. (These are very early biological prototype models. They burn sustainable organic fuel – much more eco-friendly.)

The thing about these old-time time machines is that they’re smaller than you’d think… and me, well, I’m larger than I’d like, especially with cameras on each hip and a big lens in the small of my back. So I cheated a little and waited a couple of trips for the auxiliary unit, which was an open-back wagon with much more space for wider passengers.

And a very dapper ground crew…

Clambered into the wagon, settled in, and away we went, fifty years to the block, and were shortly deposited in the wagonyard at Fanthorp Inn, all lit up and waiting for us.

Remember, this is 1850, give or take. “All lit up” means candle lanterns. Lots of candle lanterns. It’ll get dark once the sun goes down.

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